We provide personalized/Exclusive product identification numbers for your slings. This allows you to have tab on your slings – traceability. In addition, all slings are stamped with the S.W.L./PIN and supported with a metal tag with full description fastened.
A qualified QA/QC & HSES (CASHES) controller ensures that every product we offer meets acceptable quality standard.
We have procedures for everything we do on paper.
AFRIROPES ADDITIONAL SAFEGUARD: 50 MILLION in guarantee capital: This is an additional purchase safeguard only we can offer. We have the confidence of our Insurance Company to draw up a product Insurance of N50 Million at any one loss. This protects our customers from third parties in view of damages related to product defects. Please note that we have not recorded any claim since we started and plan to maintain/sustain it.
It is worth mentioning at this juncture that most of your existing suppliers in the areas of ropes and rigging fall back on our products and services to operate effectively. We invite you to inspect our state of art, machines/facilities, judge us point by point and compare.
We believe that the total reliability we can offer on all points forms a natural basis for co-operation with your company and an instrument to achieve your final quality target.
We wait with interest for your visit and hope it will be the beginning of good business relationship.